Care & Counsel Committee invites all newcomers, especially those folks who've started attending Multnomah Meeting in the past 6 months or so, to the fall Newcomers Gathering. (“Old timers” are welcome, too.) This is a sort of orientation to the Meeting, with time for introductions along with questions and answers. The gathering will be held in person at the Meetinghouse with a blended component on Zoom. There will be dessert at the in person gathering. Zoom: Meeting ID: 893 7466 2694 Passcode: 600829
A Worship Discussion Facilitated by Euclid Bautista and Norma Silliman
Did you take the Continuum home?! Thank you for your good intentions, and please kindly return all marked Continuums to the social hall . If you have not yet filled one out, PLEASE do so now. These are available Sunday in the Social Hall, or online Return your assessment by dropping your marked version in the Meetinghouse mailbox or P&SCC mail slot. Thank you! We are grateful for the chance to discern together the path forward.
Sunday, September 24 12:00 – 1:30pm In-person only, Meeting Room
Friend Anna Fritz is a cellist and folksinger with a music ministry under the care of Multnomah Friends Meeting. She has spent part of the summer traveling in the ministry in the Northeast, including giving a plenary at New England Yearly Meeting and concerts at six monthly meetings. Friend Julie Peyton (West Hills Friends Church) accompanied her as an elder for part of her travels. Anna and Julie will share about the work of ministering and eldering as well as how this music ministry seems to be moving in the world. (Note: Make-your-own-sandwich fixings will be provided during Social Hour after 10:00am Meeting for Worship for those staying for this program.) Sponsored by the Adult Religious Education Committee. For more information contact
Saturday, September 9, 10-11:30am Meeting Room
There will be a threshing session moderated by Carl Abbott at the Meetinghouse. Friends are urged to come and share their thoughts on the topic: “Do we want to make any changes to our current practice of having two meetings for worship on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., one blended, the other plain?” The session will be blended (Zoom, Meeting ID: 889 2970 0043, Passcode: 960226).
If you cannot attend the session, but would like to share your thoughts, please send them in an email to Carl (personal address in directory). Remarks, including the reading of written remarks, will be kept to three minutes per person so all will have a chance to share. If you have questions, please contact the clerking circle at .
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 6:30 PM – 8:30 pm
Optional taco dinner provided 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Multnomah Friends Meeting: Social Hall – in-person only
Facilitator: Susan Marie
Have you encountered someone in distress or crisis and not known what to do? Susan Marie, a member of Multnomah Friends, is a retired psychiatric nurse practitioner with over 30 years’ experience working with adults experiencing mental illness, trauma, and substance use, including at Old Town Clinic and Central City Concern. In this experiential and practical workshop, Susan will help us learn to evaluate situations and share tools for responding to threats and distress. For more information contact Kepper Petzing (address in directory).