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Affiliated with the North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)


Welcome to Multnomah Friends, a spiritual home for Quakers in Portland.

As members of the Religious Society of Friends, we gather in silent waiting. In the stillness, we listen for that “still small voice” that reveals the wisdom within each of us. This individual quest is nurtured in our collective worship, where we aim to create a safe space for all Friends to freely commune with the Divine.

Multnomah Friends has an active youth program from newborn through high school supporting our children’s self-discovery with stories, songs, crafts, discussions, and companionship.

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Our Meeting

Last spring, Jon Watts from Thee Quaker Project spent a weekend with us interviewing and filming for a video introduction to Multnomah Meeting. All that footage is now seven-minute video featuring some familiar faces. He hopes to make other videos for other Meetings, but we and Downingtown Meeting in Pennsylvania are the pilot projects. We will be the first to go live on their YouTube channel on Friday, October 25



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Contact Information

4312 S.E. Stark Street
Portland, OR 97215
(503) 232-2822

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Morning Adult Discussion:
Sundays 8:15-9:30

Regular Meeting:
Sundays 10:00 – 11:15 am

First Day (Sunday) School & Day Care:
Sundays 10:15 – 11:15 am

Social Hour:
Sundays 11:15 – 12 pm

Business Meeting:
3rd Sundays, 12:15 pm

Mountain View WG:
1st & 3rds Sunday  10 am, 12:15 pm

Clear Hearts Quaker Circle:

Bible Study:
Monday 7 – 8 am

Midweek Worship:
Wednesdays, 12 – 12:30 pm

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