Welcome to Multnomah Friends, a spiritual home for Quakers in Portland.
As members of the Religious Society of Friends, we gather in silent waiting. In the stillness, we listen for that “still small voice” that reveals the wisdom within each of us. This individual quest is nurtured in our collective worship, where we aim to create a safe space for all Friends to freely commune with the Divine.
Multnomah Friends has an active youth program from newborn through high school supporting our children’s self-discovery with stories, songs, crafts, discussions, and companionship.
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Our Meeting
Last spring, Jon Watts from Thee Quaker Project spent a weekend with us interviewing and filming for a video introduction to Multnomah Meeting. All that footage is now seven-minute video featuring some familiar faces. He hopes to make other videos for other Meetings, but we and Downingtown Meeting in Pennsylvania are the pilot projects. We will be the first to go live on their YouTube channel on Friday, October 25
What luck! A two-fer! On Potluck Sunday, January 12, the Nominating Committee is also sponsoring a Job Fair! Have you wondered how to get involved in the workings of Multnomah Friends? Here’s your chance to learn about what is possible, and talk to members of committees about what they do. If so led, you’ll be able to sign up to help. Questions contact: nominating.clerk@multnomahfriends.org
Presented by Adult Religious Education Committee
History is not only something that has happened, it is also what is happening now. Since the mid-seventeenth century, Quakers have survived challenges, witnessed history, responded to the events of their times, and made history. How does our awareness of this communal experience combine with our personal spiritual journeys as Friends to speak to us today?
The ARE Committee will offer guidelines for the conversation as well as a handout with some reflections from friends who lived through history before our present moment. Question contact: religiouseducation.clerk@multnomahfriends.org
Join the Peace & Justice Committee on the fourth Sunday of the month for our monthly meeting. Please email any agenda requests to peace-justice.clerk@multnomahfriends.org. If you need childcare to attend, you will be reimbursed for the expense.
Dear Friends:
Multnomah Monthly Meeting reminds Friends of our Minute on Racial Justice. In this time of universal mourning for the lives of black citizens who have been killed by and in the criminal “justice” system, we ask that friends take action to live our Minute. In addition to any specific action you are taking in response to the latest police killings of unarmed Black people, we especially encourage our white friends to please review this excellent article entitled “75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice.” The Meeting’s Friends for Racial Justice Planning Committee asks each of us to commit to doing one or two things from the list by a certain date.
Please share the things you commit to doing (and updates on your progress) either on the Meeting’s Racial Justice Facebook page or by emailing the information to Lori Patterson (mamaknitty@gmail.com), who will post it on the Facebook page. These are concrete things we can do to work against racism in our own community and beyond. You can access the page by joining Facebook and searching for Multnomah Quaker Meeting Racial Justice Study and Action Group. You will see a link that says “Join Group.”
Here are additional resources that you can access to find ways to support people of color and anti-racist work: Friends Committee on National Legislation; Black Lives Matter; Don’t Shoot Portland; Campaign Zero; and My Brother’s Keeper.
Justice & Peace,
Friends for Racial Justice of Multnomah Monthly Meeting