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Affiliated with the North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Financial Contributions

Funding of Meeting activities (childcare, peace & social concerns, educational programs, social hour, library materials) and upkeep of our buildings (utilities, insurance, repairs, and maintenance) come from contributions from members & attenders. Multnomah Monthly Meeting is a 501(c)(3) organization and accepts charitable contributions of all sizes. The Tax ID number of Multnomah Monthly Meeting is 93-0815614.

There are several ways you can provide financial support for the life of the Meeting:

  • Make a direct contribution
    1. Cash or check donations: These can be placed in contribution boxes in Meetinghouse or sent via US mail to Treasurer, Multnomah Monthly Meeting, 4312 SE Stark St., Portland, OR 97215.
    2. Monthly: Automatic donation from checking account (ACH) using an ACH form  (available here and also available by contribution boxes).
    3. Paypal: Send to  or click here
    4. Employer Match: Here is a partial list of employers that will match, double or triple your contribution to MMM.  Some also make matches for their retirees.
  • Sign up for Reward programs that benefit MMM
    1. Fred Meyer Rewards – information here
  • Make a stock donation

Account: Fidelity Investments
Account number: Z47-985134, DTC# 0226 (this is “ACAT eligible” if your broker asks)
Address: P.O. Box 770001, Cincinnati, Ohio 45277-0003
Phone Voicemail: 800-544-5555
Customer Service: 800-544-6666
Note:  If you are planning to make a donation of stock, please email us at  BEFORE YOU MAKE A DONATION so that we can look for your donation and match it to you for tracking purposes.

  • Be a short term financer of the Immigration Fund of other efforts. If Treasurer is unable to prepare a check as quickly as needed, we sometimes need folks to pay for an expense up front and seek reimbursement from the Meeting. If you could make a payment of up to $2,500 and seek reimbursement afterwards, let the Immigration Committee know.

Thank you!

Contact Information

4312 S.E. Stark Street
Portland, OR 97215
(503) 232-2822

Helpful Resources